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<TABLE class=msgtable cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="96%"><TBODY><TR><TD class=msg vAlign=top><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR class=msghead><TD class=msgbfr1 width="1%"> </TD><TD><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR class=msghead vAlign=top><TD class=msgF width="1%" noWrap align=right>From: </TD><TD class=msgFname width="68%" noWrap>kojakbt_89 <NOBR></NOBR> </TD><TD class=msgDate width="30%" noWrap align=right>2:09 am </TD></TR><TR class=msghead><TD class=msgT height=20 width="1%" noWrap align=right>To: </TD><TD class=msgTname width="68%" noWrap>ALL <NOBR></NOBR></TD><TD class=msgNum noWrap align=right> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD class=msgleft rowSpan=4 width="1%"> </TD><TD class=wintiny noWrap align=right>31057.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD height=8></TD></TR><TR><TD class=msgtxt>Inside scoop on Lee family and Associates – Fact or Fiction?
April 3, 2010 by Moderator
Filed under Opinion, Tabloid
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Editor’s note: Below is a verbatim compilation of postings made by one of our readers “Singaporeans Unite” in relation to one of our other article titled “Sheng Siong rejects appeals from stallholders to scrap rental hike and seeks their “understanding”” located at [URL="http://www.temasekreview.com/2010/04/01/sheng-siong-rejects-appeals-from-stallholders-to-scrap-rental-hike-and-seeks-their-understanding"]http://www.temasekreview.com/2010/04/01/sheng-siong-rejects-appeals-from-stallholders-to-scrap-rental-hike-and-seeks-their-understanding/[/URL]
It is in our opinion that considering the vast information and at times, allegations contained in this reader’s posting, another independant thread be created for other learned readers to concur or dispute or correct the information presented.
Readers are advised to excercise caution and diligence when digesting information presented over the internet.
Original Postings Reproduced
Would you all like to hear of further inside scoops regarding the LEE family? Well …here goes…
LKY is on a heart pacer. His wife as you probably know is in the ICU of Tan Tock Seng Hospital (in a coma and, sadly, not expected to recover), his daughter Lee Wei Ling married an Indian businessman in Hong Kong against his wishes but has since divorced, his other son, Lee Hsien Yang, is having an affair with his Singtel staff (a Malay woman), and his wife, Lee Suet Fern, is in the process of divorcing him (she has since left Lee & Lee and is now Managing Partner of Stamford Law Corpn). One grandson of LKY (LHL’s son) is not on talking terms with another grandson (LHY’s son). The whole family, it would seem, is splitting asunder. The only source of comfort is that LKY has been reconciled of late with his only daughter, and she has been accompanying him in all his later overseas trips (more as his personal doctor than anything else).
You want more? Well, here goes….
In the ’90s hotelier Ong Beng Seng wanted to bring in F1 racing to Singapore but the proposal was not approved by the PAP government. Then in the ensuing years, he somehow managed to wrestle over a gazetted national heritage site Jade Villa off Nassim Road, had its status removed and converted into high class condo called Nassim Jade. Many units were taken by LKY and his family members (at special discounts on top of the usual market discounts). In fact, all the LEE cronies bought units there, including LKY’s good friend, the then Chief Justice Yong Pung How. During this period there was also a speculative craze in property transactions building up and the Government had to act to prevent a bubble from forming. PM Goh wanted to introduce several drastic measures to arrest and defuse this potential problem, but was advised by LKY to go for softer options. The reason was, his daughter, Lee Wei Ling, had been one of the property speculators at that time, holding on to an open position of more than 10 properties on her speculative board, all of which were still in various stages of payment.
After the goodwill offered by Ong Beng Seng to the LEE family through the sale of units at Nassim Jade, the astute businessman then re-submitted his proposal for holding the F1 race in Singapore, and, as expected it was approved lock, stock & barrel. The government even picked up the tabs in paying for the cost of fabricating the race circuit for his benefit! Once they have taken the bite, it is difficult to say no the second time round isn’t it?
a) Lee Wei Ling. She was a very rebellious daughter in her younger days, playful and likes to challenge authority. A friend of mine whose uncle worked as one of her personal bodyguards told of a time when she went into a shop from the front, leaving her bodyguard outside, and disappeared through the back door. He had a hard time trying to explain to the old man how he lost contact with his daughter after that.
b) Lee Hsien Loong. He was drafted into national service in 1971 and posted straight to OCS (Officer Cadet School in SAFTI). At that time, the route for enlistees to become SAF officers was 3 months basic military training, followed by 3 months Section Leaders Training (SISL at SAFTI) and then 9 months OCS (this was later reduced to 6 months). While at OCS, his routine was attending lectures in the day (hardly ever partake in any real physical training, usually standing nearby watching his comrades doing all the physicals) and by end of day the chauffeur would come to pick him home. No stay-in for him. No rifle cleaning. No area cleaning duties. In the morning before 8 am the chauffeur would fetch him to camp and he would just stroll in when others are having their muster-parade, etc. Well, can’t think of a better and easier way to pass your NS days than this.
A couple of months before his stepped down from his days in full time service with the military, he was promoted from Colonel to Brig-General. Days later, he left and join PAP as a co-opted candidate for the elections. Ever heard of any other colonel in the army who was promoted (to BG) and then resigned? He would have been shot.
c) Lee Kuan Yew. He was born with the name Harry Lee Kuan Yew in his birth certificate. All was fine with that name, especially when he went to Cambridge and mingled with the British aristocracy. But when he returned and had to mingle with the largely Chinese ground during his early days in politics, suddenly the name “Harry” became an impediment to his progress with the more Chinese oriented colleague. He did a deed poll and removed the hairy part to win the Chinese ground. Anyway, after his return from UK he worked as a small time lawyer representing workers’ unions and was responsible for evoking anti-colonial sentiments among union members. The Hock Lee Bus Riots were in some part incited by his advocation of anti-colonial sentiments.
During one of the court appearances on behalf of the unions at a district court, he was chided by the magistrate for some transgression of court procedures. The sitting magistrate at that time was a man called J.B. Jeyaretnam. That reproach left an indelible mark on him and he probably swore on vengeance one day. He did get his chance. After the 1959 municipal elections the PAP swept to victory and formed the first self government and LKY was elected Singapore’s first PM. His first act of duty? JBJ was removed as a district judge. Now it’s the turn of JBJ to swear on vengeance against LKY. He joined the WP which was founded by ex-chief minister David Marshall. And so the feud between PAP and the WP has all along been personal – it was always JBJ against LKY and not so much the WP against the PAP. That was the sad thing about what could have been for Singapore opposition politics had JBJ put aside his personal agenda.
April 3, 2010 by Moderator
Filed under Opinion, Tabloid
Leave a comment
Editor’s note: Below is a verbatim compilation of postings made by one of our readers “Singaporeans Unite” in relation to one of our other article titled “Sheng Siong rejects appeals from stallholders to scrap rental hike and seeks their “understanding”” located at [URL="http://www.temasekreview.com/2010/04/01/sheng-siong-rejects-appeals-from-stallholders-to-scrap-rental-hike-and-seeks-their-understanding"]http://www.temasekreview.com/2010/04/01/sheng-siong-rejects-appeals-from-stallholders-to-scrap-rental-hike-and-seeks-their-understanding/[/URL]
It is in our opinion that considering the vast information and at times, allegations contained in this reader’s posting, another independant thread be created for other learned readers to concur or dispute or correct the information presented.
Readers are advised to excercise caution and diligence when digesting information presented over the internet.
Original Postings Reproduced
Would you all like to hear of further inside scoops regarding the LEE family? Well …here goes…
LKY is on a heart pacer. His wife as you probably know is in the ICU of Tan Tock Seng Hospital (in a coma and, sadly, not expected to recover), his daughter Lee Wei Ling married an Indian businessman in Hong Kong against his wishes but has since divorced, his other son, Lee Hsien Yang, is having an affair with his Singtel staff (a Malay woman), and his wife, Lee Suet Fern, is in the process of divorcing him (she has since left Lee & Lee and is now Managing Partner of Stamford Law Corpn). One grandson of LKY (LHL’s son) is not on talking terms with another grandson (LHY’s son). The whole family, it would seem, is splitting asunder. The only source of comfort is that LKY has been reconciled of late with his only daughter, and she has been accompanying him in all his later overseas trips (more as his personal doctor than anything else).
You want more? Well, here goes….
In the ’90s hotelier Ong Beng Seng wanted to bring in F1 racing to Singapore but the proposal was not approved by the PAP government. Then in the ensuing years, he somehow managed to wrestle over a gazetted national heritage site Jade Villa off Nassim Road, had its status removed and converted into high class condo called Nassim Jade. Many units were taken by LKY and his family members (at special discounts on top of the usual market discounts). In fact, all the LEE cronies bought units there, including LKY’s good friend, the then Chief Justice Yong Pung How. During this period there was also a speculative craze in property transactions building up and the Government had to act to prevent a bubble from forming. PM Goh wanted to introduce several drastic measures to arrest and defuse this potential problem, but was advised by LKY to go for softer options. The reason was, his daughter, Lee Wei Ling, had been one of the property speculators at that time, holding on to an open position of more than 10 properties on her speculative board, all of which were still in various stages of payment.
After the goodwill offered by Ong Beng Seng to the LEE family through the sale of units at Nassim Jade, the astute businessman then re-submitted his proposal for holding the F1 race in Singapore, and, as expected it was approved lock, stock & barrel. The government even picked up the tabs in paying for the cost of fabricating the race circuit for his benefit! Once they have taken the bite, it is difficult to say no the second time round isn’t it?
a) Lee Wei Ling. She was a very rebellious daughter in her younger days, playful and likes to challenge authority. A friend of mine whose uncle worked as one of her personal bodyguards told of a time when she went into a shop from the front, leaving her bodyguard outside, and disappeared through the back door. He had a hard time trying to explain to the old man how he lost contact with his daughter after that.
b) Lee Hsien Loong. He was drafted into national service in 1971 and posted straight to OCS (Officer Cadet School in SAFTI). At that time, the route for enlistees to become SAF officers was 3 months basic military training, followed by 3 months Section Leaders Training (SISL at SAFTI) and then 9 months OCS (this was later reduced to 6 months). While at OCS, his routine was attending lectures in the day (hardly ever partake in any real physical training, usually standing nearby watching his comrades doing all the physicals) and by end of day the chauffeur would come to pick him home. No stay-in for him. No rifle cleaning. No area cleaning duties. In the morning before 8 am the chauffeur would fetch him to camp and he would just stroll in when others are having their muster-parade, etc. Well, can’t think of a better and easier way to pass your NS days than this.
A couple of months before his stepped down from his days in full time service with the military, he was promoted from Colonel to Brig-General. Days later, he left and join PAP as a co-opted candidate for the elections. Ever heard of any other colonel in the army who was promoted (to BG) and then resigned? He would have been shot.
c) Lee Kuan Yew. He was born with the name Harry Lee Kuan Yew in his birth certificate. All was fine with that name, especially when he went to Cambridge and mingled with the British aristocracy. But when he returned and had to mingle with the largely Chinese ground during his early days in politics, suddenly the name “Harry” became an impediment to his progress with the more Chinese oriented colleague. He did a deed poll and removed the hairy part to win the Chinese ground. Anyway, after his return from UK he worked as a small time lawyer representing workers’ unions and was responsible for evoking anti-colonial sentiments among union members. The Hock Lee Bus Riots were in some part incited by his advocation of anti-colonial sentiments.
During one of the court appearances on behalf of the unions at a district court, he was chided by the magistrate for some transgression of court procedures. The sitting magistrate at that time was a man called J.B. Jeyaretnam. That reproach left an indelible mark on him and he probably swore on vengeance one day. He did get his chance. After the 1959 municipal elections the PAP swept to victory and formed the first self government and LKY was elected Singapore’s first PM. His first act of duty? JBJ was removed as a district judge. Now it’s the turn of JBJ to swear on vengeance against LKY. He joined the WP which was founded by ex-chief minister David Marshall. And so the feud between PAP and the WP has all along been personal – it was always JBJ against LKY and not so much the WP against the PAP. That was the sad thing about what could have been for Singapore opposition politics had JBJ put aside his personal agenda.