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[Indon] - Man kept fucking his daughter over 11 years, who gave birth to 7 babies, all murdered by father-cum-grandfather


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset



Old Fart
The shaman said if the father wanted to be rich, he had to have sex with his daughter seven times.

Have sex only, didn't say he needed to impregnate his daughter. Dumb fuck father.


Old Fart
Why these indons are Soo fertile? They breed like rabbits
They eat simple organic produce, drink mineral rich underground water, have easy jobs, everyday relac and play guitar under coconut tree. No stress, fresh air at the countryside. Hence their tadpoles are strong, healthy and many. Lucky fuckers.


Chinese outnumber indonesians 7 to 1.even rabbits cannot breed like chinese. If mao had not culled and prevented chinese from over breeding, there eould be more than 2 billion in china by now.
That why indon gov frighten in 1960s, when China said few million red guards "disappeared" from mainland, going to indon mah, u remember?

syed putra

That why indon gov frighten in 1960s, when China said few million red guards "disappeared" from mainland, going to indon mah, u remember?
That was before my time. But i read there was a anti communist pogrom that killed millions of suspected communist supporters and china had to send vessels to save ethhnic chinese from the massacre.
Many refugees are housed in enclaves in southen china. Guandong and hokkien areas. You can find infonesian eateries in some of the towns and cities.
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