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Indians made it. Russia did not.


Whatever happen to our dream of building a spaceport to launch rockets in Singapore ?

a dumbfark nation of coolies peasants prostitutes rickshawpullers opium addicts porters stevedores nightsoil collectors errand boys whores harlots prostitutes rickshaw pullers going to launch rockets from tiny droplet stinkypura?


yu'r eunuch overlords see you as sheeple peasants that must be lorded over. that's the truth. nothing more or less.

they fear any intellectually capable foreign citizen as much as any stinky who can upend their rule or steal the limelight from them.

if you can run a big coy, or established your own multinational coy then the limelight will be stolen from the eunuch.

ditto if you are a globally recognized scientist or researcher (award winner, globally recognized accolades etc so the masses can understand it's not fake and pap-piglets can't character assassinate them).

they fear anyone who will steal the limight from them.

they'd much rather invest in foreign coys rather than stinkies ( who don't have much talent in any case) or jiuhu chinks (descendants of coolies) or even other inferior copycat mongoloids (inferior wuhan virus spreading slanty copycat morons who are always tier 2 at best - at best, not at worst).

do stinkies have much brains anyway? nowadays stinkypura is just a full fledged money laundering tax evasion hub.


btw what independent verification is there of these news? any other cuntries confirmed it?

for all you know ang moh kias aligned with ceca, so they fabricate story to praise ceca and keep it hush-hush. while since they are at war with russkies they kept maligning russkies who are too backward to do anything to nuke yanks.

and too stupid and cowardly.

i would have nuked yanks long ago. but russkies are just too weak and useless to choke to strangulate moronic cowboy yanks to death, not in a thousand years maybe they have the means to do it. just a worthless nation.

dun forget russkies aligned with gayropeans and yanks to declare war against islam some 22 years ago, and ceca and tiongs also joined them.

so it's time for Muslims to test nukes hydrogen bombs icbm anti satellite missiles. unfortunately the current lot of losers calling themselves "Muslims" may be too dumb for it.

these are mostly turks persians arabs pakis bangla niggers indons etc. just too dumb and imbecilic.


this is further proven by those imbecilic idiotic iranian turkish monkeys' incessant rants of how 80 million is a huuuuuuuge population and they are huuuuuuge countries that can do such and such to act like "superpowers" .


even toiletless cow urine drinking cow dung slurping ceca virus are faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar more powerful than utterly pathetically WEAK, feeble, BACKWARD countries like iran turkey pakistan (combined) since CECA space programme nuclear weapons icbm anti satellite missiles aircraft carriers (all low quality no doubt but they exist) etc out number or outperform all of those in iran+turkey+paki arsenal combined.

just a bunch of loser coward imbecile loudmouth backward braggarts with mediocre IQ and no historical potential whatsoever.