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Indian men apologise to British blogger after 'scumbag' masturbated in front of her
British tourist Lucy Hemmings wrote a blog post about a man touching himself in front of her on Mumbai public transport. It went viral and has promoted hundreds of Indian men to respond

Lucy Hemmings has received hundreds of messages after a man masturbated in front of her in India Photo: Lucy Hemmings/Facebook
By Radhika Sanghani
11:21AM BST 20 May 2015
A British blogger who wrote about being sexually harassed in India has received dozens of apologies from innocent Indian men for the behaviour of ‘scumbags’.
Lucy Hemmings, 27, was travelling in Mumbai earlier this year when a man sitting opposite her at a bus stop started masturbating, while staring directly at her.
At the time, she wrote: “I felt sick. As much as I hate to admit it, this isn’t the first time it’s happened to me.
“In fact, chances are, if you’ve ever been to India, you’ll have bumped into at least one traveller who has experienced this sort of behaviour, or heard of someone else who it has happened to.”
Her blog was then picked up by a popular Indian website. It went viral and Hemmings has now been inundated with messages from Indian men apologising for the actions of the anonymous masturbator.
She said she has received around 600 responses from Indian men across her social media accounts, with most taking to her blog to apologise and defend their country.
One, Roy, wrote: “I am an Indian and I am sorry for the behaviour my country men. But I believe what has happened can happen any where in this world. I am not favouring the idiots who did it.
“But as India is rich in culture from our old tradition, we are not able to mix and match it well with the Western culture and that’s why I guess this kind of people still exist.
“Second we are still far behind with female education. I am again sorry from my Indian men and I hope one day they learn to respect the independence of woman.”

Indian woman call for laws to improve women's safety (AFP/GETTY)
Another, Kunal Sarakr, wrote: “I am very proud to know that a person who is not from India is so much in love with and in tune with our culture. At the same time I’m ashamed of the people who have done all those things to let down your courage.
“It is my request to you to please keep your spirits as high as the Himalayas and keep exploring our culture and traditions and villages.”
Indian men also wrote of their shame and embarrassment.
“I am a Indian male and am very much ashamed… I am Sikh and I think respect for your opposite gender should be top most priority, people like him bring disgrace to India.”
A number of other female travellers and Indian women also took to the blog to share their own experiences of sexual harassment.
“I’m an Indian and I had a similar experience when I was 13, and too young to understand what the man following me was doing,” wrote one woman, Akanskha.
“I love my country but so many men walking down the streets are horribly desperate and scarily audacious. I’m grateful to you and other women here who still vouch for India.”

An Indian woman prays in a vigil for the Delhi rape victim in 2012 (AFP/GETTY)
Hemmings told Telegraph Wonder Women: "In terms of how it feels to have received so many messages of support, it has been absolutely incredible.
"If I'm honest, I was nervous to publish something that shows India in a negative light - in no way did I want to suggest that India as a whole is like this. But I think that all of these messages just go to show what wonderful, humble and incredible people India has to be proud of."
She also thanked people who had messaged her, writing on Facebook: "I want to express that I know that it is a tiny minority who behave this way - I promise I am absolutely in love with India and know that there is so much more to see!
"Good and bad people most certainly exist in every country, and India has an absolutely astonishing amount of good people. You are wonderful, India! xxxx"
The outpouring of support from Indian men comes in the wake of a brutal gang rape on a New Delhi bus, in 2012, which left a female student dead.
That case led to a public outcry about the levels of sexual assault in India, and many women have since protested and called for policies to improve women’s safety.