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India 'peaceful' muslims force Hindu student to say ‘Allahu akbar,’ ‘we’ll beat him to a coma, he’ll remember the holy word’

syed putra

Countries like india and sinkie and jiu hu needs a neutral power to be their leader. If follow majority, most likely laws that discriminates and shackles minoritues will be introduced.


Hyderabad was Muslim majority and was supposed to be an independent country or part of Pakistan (muslim majority).

It was invaded by CECA Virus and loads upon loads of crimes committed there.

Muslims ruled over CECA virus for 1000 years as Zakir Naik has affirmed and saffron terrorist in chief admitted, gladly.

From Delhi Sultanate to Bangla Sultanate to Gujrat Sultanate to Mughal Sultanate to Nizam of Hyderabad to Tipu Sultan of Mysore, the list is extremely long. It's not expected to be short either considering the rule over CECA virus lasted for 1000 years.

All of these sultanates and such always pledged allegiance to the reigning Islamic Caliph/Khalifa, be it any Khalifa within the Abbasi Caliphate or the Osmani/Ottoman Caliphate. There was never any such thing as Indian sultanate, India Sultanate, Pakistan Sultanate, Paki Sultanate, Hindu Sultanate, Hindo Sultanate etc.

There are simple straightforward facts of history, that can't change because some cowboy country of 250 years age created on the deadbodies of genocided natives of America (the red indians) does not like to hear it (post Soviet collapse, and now with Tiongkok in their crosshairs, that has subsided now, too).

That's one more reason 李连杰 was better than the current lot of tiongs or most other slanties. Coz he went straight to cowboy's heartland and beat up a cowboy.


The good thing abt 李连杰 is that comments by ang moh kia show a sense of desperation, anger, jealousy, envy and other feelings that satisfy me to no end. That's one more positive aspect of him. Surprising considering he is a tiong and a slanty. Credit where credit is due, although a lot of things he did were stupid, his fights and action on camera were pretty good to watch.

Not his best fights (in terms of martial arts, technique, skills etc) but great to watch in terms of context and good to read the comments. angry, sorry, jealous ang moh kia always criticizing him

he must have "burnt" a lot of ang moh kia hearts and arses along the way


I think his role as wfh hyj zsf or cz were better overall. but for sheer political theatrics, going to cowboy hometurf and beating up a cowoby. exquisite.