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India no birth control vs China


Alfrescian (Inf)
that's why so much suffering in India...............if all Indians can abstain from having kids for 50 years.................all of India's problems will disappear..........

Singapore Dancing Spirit

CECA is a CURSE as they are booming more rapists and grooming more rapists in other parts of the world.
These rapists boarded the train to molest as many women as possible.

Indians think that the whole world has OPEN DOOR for them.
That is why SG trains were too crowded just before Pandemic.

Pandemic was PAP to discern and to slowdown the Indian population
Why do we have more rape, molests and voyeurism cases in SG it is all because influx of CECA.

Not only into SG but also to the other parts of the world.

syed putra

Indians and malays need to make more babies to out populate the chinese and eventually dominate them.

syed putra

CECA is a CURSE as they are booming more rapists and grooming more rapists in other parts of the world.
These rapists boarded the train to molest as many women as possible.

View attachment 173009

Indians think that the whole world has OPEN DOOR for them.
That is why SG trains were too crowded just before Pandemic.

Pandemic was PAP to discern and to slowdown the Indian population
Why do we have more rape, molests and voyeurism cases in SG it is all because influx of CECA.

Not only into SG but also to the other parts of the world.
Either that or end up being sold to the whorehouse by your own parents.