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India: Jains seek right to worship in disputed Bhojshala-Kamal Maula Mosque complex




The plea has been moved at a time when the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) is set to present a report on its survey of the 11-century Bhojshala complex in the HC. The site is claimed by both Hindus and Muslims, leading to a dispute about its nat...

A social activist has filed a writ petition in the Indore bench of Madhya Pradesh High Court, seeking the "right to worship" for his Jain community members in the disputed Bhojshala-Kamal Maula Mosque complex in Dhar.

Read more at: https://www.deccanherald.com/india/madhya-pradesh/now-jains-seek-right-to-worship-in-disputed-bhojshala-kamal-maula-mosque-complex-3088007