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Serious Incredible India Riot!

syed putra

Minirities are treated better in india than singapura. They are not forced into army camps, made to clear land mines by being at the front of the main force and made to clean and cook for officers.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Minirities are treated better in india than singapura. They are not forced into army camps, made to clear land mines by being at the front of the main force and made to clean and cook for officers.
Why don't you go back to India? I'm sure you'll live like the Raj with your savings as a grab food deliverer

syed putra

Minorities in india are not suppressed, oppressed and persecuted like in singkie.they enjoy freedom of faith, can marry anyone, even those of different religion and can condemn the gahmen.


Are they fighting over @ginfreely’s 插头香?Didn't they know her cheebye has been 插插插 until very phua already?


Alfrescian (Inf)
They should settle all disputes by playing cricket. Subcontinental shitskins are totally obsessed about that shitty sport inherited from their British colonial masters, and politics, religion etc are immediately forgotten when they play cricket.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Are they fighting over @ginfreely’s 插头香?Didn't they know her cheebye has been 插插插 until very phua already?

插头香 also no use, the Bangla worker at the temple will standby and remove the joss sticks, then dispose them into a bucket of water. :biggrin: