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Chitchat Incredible India Destroyed by British


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The British damn high handed. Their 招数 way above the Americans. Having said that, I doubt the poverty of the Indians are due to the British. I’m not surprised the British plundered and steal resources from India, but Indians have themselves to blame. Basically, deep in every Indian’s mind there is a caste system hence peasants who are viewed as lower caste animals are treated like animals.


The British damn high handed. Their 招数 way above the Americans. Having said that, I doubt the poverty of the Indians are due to the British. I’m not surprised the British plundered and steal resources from India, but Indians have themselves to blame. Basically, deep in every Indian’s mind there is a caste system hence peasants who are viewed as lower caste animals are treated like animals.
Shooooo no nothing useless CECA shit indian shoooo go lick china asshole shoooooo

syed putra

The British damn high handed. Their 招数 way above the Americans. Having said that, I doubt the poverty of the Indians are due to the British. I’m not surprised the British plundered and steal resources from India, but Indians have themselves to blame. Basically, deep in every Indian’s mind there is a caste system hence peasants who are viewed as lower caste animals are treated like animals.
Nope. The British more or less stopped Indians from doing business. You must buy ftom British companies . Indians forced into selling roti and chupatties.