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North Korea reveals new Kim Jong Un portrait at event marking decade of rule | NK News​

View more articles by Colin Zwirko

1-2 minutes

Introduction of portrait could be major step in enhancing Kim's cult of personality if displayed more widely

North Korea reveals new Kim Jong Un portrait at event marking decade of rule

Kim's new portrait appeared on stage at the April 25 House of Culture during a "national meeting" on Sunday, with the text "Celebrating the 10th anniversary of electing [Kim Jong Un] to the top post of the Party and state" | Image: KCTV (April 10, 2022)

North Korea revealed a new official portrait of Kim Jong Un at a "national meeting" celebrating his rule on Sunday, as the country ramps up praise of the current DPRK leader ahead of the Monday anniversary marking 10 years since he became party leader.

The large painted portrait of Kim's face appeared on the backdrop of the event stage in front of most of the country's top leadership, but without the leader himself in attendance. Such displays of Kim Jong Un's portrait are rare and typically reserved for those of the country's late former leaders.



North Korea reveals new Kim Jong Un portrait at event marking decade of rule | NK News​

View more articles by Colin Zwirko

1-2 minutes

Introduction of portrait could be major step in enhancing Kim's cult of personality if displayed more widely

North Korea reveals new Kim Jong Un portrait at event marking decade of rule

Kim's new portrait appeared on stage at the April 25 House of Culture during a "national meeting" on Sunday, with the text "Celebrating the 10th anniversary of electing [Kim Jong Un] to the top post of the Party and state" | Image: KCTV (April 10, 2022)

North Korea revealed a new official portrait of Kim Jong Un at a "national meeting" celebrating his rule on Sunday, as the country ramps up praise of the current DPRK leader ahead of the Monday anniversary marking 10 years since he became party leader.

The large painted portrait of Kim's face appeared on the backdrop of the event stage in front of most of the country's top leadership, but without the leader himself in attendance. Such displays of Kim Jong Un's portrait are rare and typically reserved for those of the country's late former leaders.
Why is his head flat?