no, not mlm or ask you to rob but here's the tip. Go to and advertise your offer to work, be it cleaning, painting, gardening, etc.. anything! u will earn $12.50/hr easily and that works to be about $100/day.
Hey, it is alot better as compare to idele at your rented apartment and wait for potential employers and job agencies' phone calls.
it would be best for some newbie emigrants to learn basic handy works like tiling, handiworks or basic plumbing. That will come in really handy (pardon the pun) when u start working on your casual job here!
Hey, it is alot better as compare to idele at your rented apartment and wait for potential employers and job agencies' phone calls.
it would be best for some newbie emigrants to learn basic handy works like tiling, handiworks or basic plumbing. That will come in really handy (pardon the pun) when u start working on your casual job here!