Posted on 17 Sep 2010
Accident waiting to happen: IMM bus driver watches TV while driving
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Peter did not feel safe onboard this free shuttle bus from IMM when he saw that the bus driver was multi-tasking by watching television and driving at the same time.
Peter shares his concerns:
"Last Friday, at around 7pm, my friends and family took the free IMM Shuttle Bus (License plate PA 6448H) from IMM to Jurong East MRT.
"When we were onboard the bus, we noticed that the bus driver was watching a TV programme.
"Even as the bus moved off from IMM, he was still watching TV.
"He didn't seem to care about the safety of all the passengers onboard his bus.
"I hope that IMM or the Traffic Police can look into this matter."
Safe or not? IMM bus driver watches TV while driving
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Accident waiting to happen: IMM bus driver watches TV while driving
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Peter did not feel safe onboard this free shuttle bus from IMM when he saw that the bus driver was multi-tasking by watching television and driving at the same time.
Peter shares his concerns:
"Last Friday, at around 7pm, my friends and family took the free IMM Shuttle Bus (License plate PA 6448H) from IMM to Jurong East MRT.
"When we were onboard the bus, we noticed that the bus driver was watching a TV programme.
"Even as the bus moved off from IMM, he was still watching TV.
"He didn't seem to care about the safety of all the passengers onboard his bus.
"I hope that IMM or the Traffic Police can look into this matter."
Safe or not? IMM bus driver watches TV while driving
Click on thumbnails for larger image