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illegal car mod services offered by vendor




red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
Instead of speed limiters. Modify the cash card reader to deduct $ when speed exceeds certain limit. Higher the speed higher the cost. When the money runs out cut the engine. Like that sure guai guai dont speed.


All cars in Singapore should be fitted with speed limiters set at a max speed of 60kph. There is no point going any faster on that tiny island. It makes no difference to travel times because there's a traffic light every 500m.

we shld becum a pmd nation


All cars in Singapore should be fitted with speed limiters set at a max speed of 60kph. There is no point going any faster on that tiny island. It makes no difference to travel times because there's a traffic light every 500m.
I agree. And when it rains, reduce to 50kph, as singaporeans cannot drive when there's a sprinkling of water on roads. Just check traffic reports when it rains. Accidents all over the island.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Hope LTA will raid this Lim_Tan_Motor n come down hard on them...
SG roads have no provisions for such speeding vehicles. There is no need to speed anywhere in SG, @most u reached your destination slightly earlier only.
U obviously don't drive in S'pore. U know nuts about why people want a high performance car


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset

If u are running anything lower then 400BHP, this water/meth is of marginal use. And very few BMW Ms in S'pore are running over 400 BHP. If you are using NOS, then the water/meth comes in useful to lower intake temp. Then again, u need an illegal mod for the NOS. Morons should just put a turbo charger in their car. What's the most a water/meth gets u, 60 BHP more?


Instead of speed limiters. Modify the cash card reader to deduct $ when speed exceeds certain limit. Higher the speed higher the cost. When the money runs out cut the engine. Like that sure guai guai dont speed.
not really, it would end up those rich will speed.
just like some years back one of the high-end car owner request LTA to have the 1st lane only for "high-end" or "expansive" car


Alfrescian (Inf)
All cars in Singapore should be fitted with speed limiters set at a max speed of 60kph. There is no point going any faster on that tiny island. It makes no difference to travel times because there's a traffic light every 500m.
You are being generous at 500m, it is at 100m, many at 50m with pedestrian light.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
All cars in Singapore should be fitted with speed limiters set at a max speed of 60kph. There is no point going any faster on that tiny island. It makes no difference to travel times because there's a traffic light every 500m.
And PMDs at 30kmh. The era of road bikes dominance has arrived!

syed putra

If u are running anything lower then 400BHP, this water/meth is of marginal use. And very few BMW Ms in S'pore are running over 400 BHP. If you are using NOS, then the water/meth comes in useful to lower intake temp. Then again, u need an illegal mod for the NOS. Morons should just put a turbo charger in their car. What's the most a water/meth gets u, 60 BHP more?
BM's comes fitted with turbo charger as standard. If you want a boost, just modify the software i think.


Alfrescian (Inf)
All workshops specialising in this kind of modifications are feeling the heat now.