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Ikea : CHICKEN Wings Friday Offer (5, 12, 19 & 26 Jul, Every Friday). $1 PER WING!



Chicken wings with chicken symbol at top left corner of thumbnail

Chicken Wings Friday Offer (5, 12, 19 & 26 Jul, Every Friday)​

$6.00 / 6pcs
$4.00 / 4pcs
$2.00 / 2pcs
$1 Chicken wings (Indoor cage free chicken) | Limited to 12pcs* per customer | Available only in Swedish Restaurant | Dine-in only | While stocks last*



Alfrescian (Inf)
This $1 thing is a scam.
Pyschologically ter nao people will think $1 is cheap but they forgot per chicken wing is considered expensive..
Ikea CW is small and non crispy. The fragrance is not there. I can easily buy 1 big chicken wing at $1.50 from my neighbourhood hawker stall. Crispy and Juicy. Each piece can chop into 3 separate pieces and still look big.
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