Yup thats so true in the place I am working. When they see me take my yearly holidays they will ask where I got the money to do it. When I reply from my investments and savings they would say something like " Becarful your stocks don't go down ah " When the market is bad they would come to me and say " See market go down how much u lost? " with a smirk in their face. My reply to them is market up market down as long as end of the day I still got $ to enjoy ok what. These people just can't hack it when they see other people enjoy. The best part is 1 time I came back from Europe without getting for them anything can u believe it they tell the whole company that I so stingy not to buy anything for them. One of them asked and my reply was I am sorry I could not find any dog food and that really shut them up.
In general, Americans compare & compete against themselves from their past. If an American used to drive a Ford Escort but now drives a BMW, he considers himself a success now than before. He doesn't give a damn when someone else around him is driving a Bentley. People around him don't give a damn about him driving a BMW, or somebody else is driving a Bentley and this poor guy is only driving a BMW. Americans also encourage & support each other instead of discouraging each other. Off course there are exceptions (the exceptions are usually the Chinese American immigrants & ABCs) but this is their general attitude. No wonder America today is number 1 in creativity.
In general, Aussies behave almost like Chinese. Aussies has a Tall Poppy Syndrome given that OZ is a socialist country. They like to put down people who are successful. Aussies have a very bad trait of pulling people down instead of pushing them up! They hate successful & rich people instead of seeing them as a source of inspiration.
Given that China has a 5000 year history & invented great technologies like gunpowder, compass, printing press, etc. Chinese should be running the world today instead of the Americans & the Jews. But, Chinese have a very bad attitude of infighting and competing amongst themselves. There's power in unity but weakness in division. No wonder foreigners were able divide & conquer China during WW II and there was a place in Shanghai where “No Dogs And Chinese Allowed.” No wonder America is able to divide China into PRC & Taiwan. The melamine milk scandal in China is a typical Chinese trait.
Kiasu and Kia Cheng Hu are also typical Chinese traits. Chinese people in general don't deserve freedom and liberty given that China has a very long history of being ruled by ruthless emperors. That explains why the typical Chinese person is Kia Cheng Hu!
Chinese only have themselves to blame for being humiliated by foreigners and ruled by one party dictatorship!