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If you don't share your indoor space with dark skinned people you're a fuckin' racist!


To proof one is not racist , they need to be put in a poorly ventilated class room with 40 to 60 indians .

To qualify to say this, you must at least have gone through this CSOC . :geek:
When I took my construction safety orientation course exam, I was put into a non aircon small room about the size of a sec sch class room, poorly ventilated with around 60 indians+banglas.:wink:

I think this is worse than going to India as I'm confined to a small room.


To proof one is not racist , they need to be put in a poorly ventilated class room with 40 to 60 indians .
Anyone can talk and say they are not racist, or worse to blame other people for being racist, or even worse to charge people in court for giving racist remarks.
Just ask them to be put into a poorly ventilated class room and see how they will react and survive the 1 hr or so? Can sue them back for being racist.
The pot calling the kettle black.


To proof one is not racist , they need to be put in a poorly ventilated class room with 40 to 60 indians .

Imagine the smell


Alfrescian (Inf)
It is not the colour of your skin, but your heart. Some people heart very dark and you can't tell them by their skin color.


Alfrescian (Inf)
When the libtards and SJWs call you a racist, recognize that you have done something right which offends their twisted soul. Keep up the good work.

See also: sexist, homophobic etc.