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if u overseas and pap mobilised NSMen for war, would you fly back like these Israelis?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I would if the PAP call up all the scholar generals and make them lead the brigade at the frontline and take part in direct combat action.
But must ask if you are dying to protect locals or foreign talent

syed putra

These guys fly back because they know the war will be one sided.

Easy peasy. Just flatten the entire gaza. Then move in to pick up what is left.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Nearly 50% of foreigners are held hostages in Sinkieland, no country dare to attack lest their own citizens get bombed too. Now you know why sinkileland kept promoting lax immigration policies.


Old Fart
I am appalled at the replies here. I would certainly return asap, draw arms and defend my beloved Singapore to my last breath.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I only kena NS mob once and I had the chance to go experience the shithole in Tuas known as Tanjong Gul camp.

Israelis are driven by religious impetus, I highly doubt most Sinkies are dumb enough to be cannon fodder.


Nearly 50% of foreigners are held hostages in Sinkieland, no country dare to attack lest their own citizens get bombed too. Now you know why sinkileland kept promoting lax immigration policies.

You are right! They import many High SES FTs of all nationalities.