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If Mcdonalds had given free big macs to hamas instead of IDF, their profits would boom by now.

syed putra


IDF spokesman says Hamas can’t be destroyed, drawing retort from PM: ‘That’s war’s goal’​

Hagari calls Hamas ‘an idea rooted in the hearts of the people,’ also says it will stay in Gaza unless alternative found; PM reiterates war aims, amid divisions with defense brass​

By TOI STAFFToday, 3:02 am
IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari delivers an update on Israel's response to Iran's attack early on April 14, 2024. (Israeli Defense Forces/AFP)
IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari delivers an update on Israel's response to Iran's attack early on April 14, 2024. (Israeli Defense Forces/AFP)
IDF Spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari on Wednesday cast Israel’s war aim of eradicating the Hamas terror group as unattainable, appearing to underscore tensions between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and top defense officials over his handling of the war in Gaza.
“This business of destroying Hamas, making Hamas disappear — it’s simply throwing sand in the eyes of the public,” Hagari told Channel 13 news in an interview.
“Hamas is an idea, Hamas is a party. It’s rooted in the hearts of the people — anyone who thinks we can eliminate Hamas is wrong,” he continued.

Hagari also warned that “if the government doesn’t find an alternative — [Hamas] will remain” in the Gaza Strip.
In response, Netanyahu’s office said in a statement that the security cabinet “has defined as one of the war goals the destruction of Hamas’s military and governance capabilities.”


IDF today is not the IDF of 1940s-1970s younger generations all pussies brainwashed by shit from social media and Tiktok