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If being a pimp is illegal then how come KTVs and geylang are allowed?


KTV escorts are not allowed. That one 100% illegal.

Geylang is allowed, but only as a government exemption and they no longer grant new licenses for houses there. Meaning to say once the current pimps there all die out in the next two to three decades, no more Geylang.


KTV escorts are not allowed. That one 100% illegal.

Geylang is allowed, but only as a government exemption and they no longer grant new licenses for houses there. Meaning to say once the current pimps there all die out in the next two to three decades, no more Geylang.

Like yellow top cab

syed putra

KTV escorts are not allowed. That one 100% illegal.

Geylang is allowed, but only as a government exemption and they no longer grant new licenses for houses there. Meaning to say once the current pimps there all die out in the next two to three decades, no more Geylang.
Then where do men go for quickie in a few a decades time? Zambia?


Then where do men go for quickie in a few a decades time? Zambia?

Nowhere. Either go find FLs or stay at home wank to Onlyfans or Fansly.

The future of sex is digital. Human touch and connection/intimacy is going to die out. Cherish what you can still experience now. In a decade's time or even less it's going to go extinct.