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if a woman let a man search for her cb before, still considered chaste, innocent, and pure?

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Means it is too big.
The hair is the guide to find the hole.
However if it is too big hole, after you start to find with the hair as the guide, you will reach the big lobang and you will not know it is a cb hole, and will think is the gap in between the leg.

Wtf you talking about?

You must be a virgin


How do you locate the vagina hole?


If you are having trouble finding it, the easiest way is to ask the owner. Presumably, if she's comfortable with you knowing the location, she'll be willing to show you.

It is remotely possible that both of you don't know this information. If that's the case, and you both wish to learn, simply have her remove all clothing below the waist, lay on her back on a comfortable surface (a bed would be fine), and part her legs widely. Take a look at that area, I will describe it using anatomical terms. The anterior direction will be towards her belly, the posterior direction will be towards her back.

If she does not trim or remove her pubic hair, this will cover the very bottom part of the belly (usually concealed by a swimsuit or underwear). The hair may continue down onto the perineum, the surface at the bottom of her torso beween her belly and back. A few women have pubic hair so thick that it obscures the external genitals; if that's the case and she consents, you can carefully trim this hair so that you can both get a better look at things.

Some women completely denude their genital area of hair, either through shaving, waxing, or some other means. If this is the case, the perinium will present as a long slit, perhaps 5 cm long, with a flap of tissue on both the left and right sides. Past the slit and flaps, almost to the extreme posterior of the perineum and almost to the tailbone, will be a small opening, almost completely closed, with ridges of skin radiating out from it in a "starfish" pattern. The slit and flaps are called the vulva, and are the external part of her genitals, and the small starfish opening is her anus.

Her urinary and reproductive organs are beneath the exterior portion of the vulva, and the anus is the opening where she excretes solid wastes. The anus is practically indentical in the female and male; only the area anterior to the anus is different in the sexes.

The two flaps are her labia (latin for "lips"). Women generally have two sets, a pair of external labia and a pair of internal labia. There is considerable variation from woman to woman. Some women have large internal labia that protrude past the opening, other have practically no internal labia at all. Also, either set can be slightly assymetric, with the right one being larger or smaller, or even just differently shaped than the left one. Nearly every variation you can think of is normal and healthy.

To examine the vagina, gently part the labia and hold them apart. Near the posterior end of the labia, and fairly close (2 cm, maybe?) to the anus will be an opening that is usually larger than the anus. This is the actual vagina. It is a tube of flesh that connects the outside world to her uterus. The walls of the vagina are corrugated; this allows the organ to expand to considerable size to accomodate a penis during intercourse, and to expand much further to the size of the baby's head during childbirth. It is normal for the walls of the vagina to be moist. During sexual arousal, the vagina of most women becomes even more lubricated (less fortunate women need to supplement with lubricants to enjoy intercourse). It is perfectly normal for there to be some sort of discharge from the vagina, depending on just where the woman is on her monthly cycle. Of course there will be a slow but steady discharge of blood if she is menstruating.

Now, most of this has been written with the understanding that neither one of you quite know where the vaginal opening is. If you've gotten this far, please be a good sport and use a mirror to allow the lady to become better educated on how her body is put together. If she's allowing you to view her genitals, it's the least you can do in return.