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I will definitely buy a diesel for my next car. Its my way of protesting.


Diesel car the running cost is lower as diesel is cheaper and much longer range. But the maintenance cost is twice that of diesel and the converter replacement cost is 8k...if it fucks up...anyway m&ds can afford

syed putra

Diesel car the running cost is lower as diesel is cheaper and much longer range. But the maintenance cost is twice that of diesel and the converter replacement cost is 8k...if it fucks up...anyway m&ds can afford
What converter? I will get one without a converter. When i accelerate, the car behind will turn black with soot!


Alfrescian (Inf)
These 'environmentalists' or 'climate activists' are just communists. They are useful idiots of the same group of people who pushed LGBT pride, BLM, 'smart cities' and the 'safe and effective' Covid vaccines. :cool: