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I Say Again. They Will Not Allow Trump to Rule


If you think this will be the only time they try to OFF Trump, think again. The next few attempts will be more subtle. And they will prevail.
Even if he wins, he will not last six months.
The deep state has too many people with too much to lose.


If you think this will be the only time they try to OFF Trump, think again. The next few attempts will be more subtle. And they will prevail.
Even if he wins, he will not last six months.
The deep state has too many people with too much to lose.
the 6 SCOTUS judges already gave Biden permission to send SEAL team 6 to execute anyone so what are you talking about?


part of the deep state is the military. Covid was a military operation. Land of the free? Military state so well disguised the red necks don't even know what has been fucking them


The woke media has radicalized the poor yoof in to crime. Thankfully we have straight time here. :smile: