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I rather spend 1 hour 7 minutes to watch this cancer talk show with stage 4 ovarian cancer patient as guest indeed.


Although obesity is a risk factor for ovarian cancer, it’s good to be fat from 80 kg stage 1 cancer patient reduced weight to 50 kg at stage 4. Now she still looks good although terminal. If start at 50 kg finished Liao


You should spend 1 hour 7 mins servicing your Bangla customers. Bangla cum is a better cure for cancer.


Although obesity is a risk factor for ovarian cancer, it’s good to be fat from 80 kg stage 1 cancer patient reduced weight to 50 kg at stage 4. Now she still looks good although terminal. If start at 50 kg finished Liao
So many women cancers: breast, ovarian, endometrial, cervical cancer. 1 2 3 4 vs men only two if don’t consider breast cancer. All negatives no positives to be women indeed. Suay!


Although obesity is a risk factor for ovarian cancer, it’s good to be fat from 80 kg stage 1 cancer patient reduced weight to 50 kg at stage 4. Now she still looks good although terminal. If start at 50 kg finished Liao
Within two or three years from stage 1 recurred and progressed to stage 4