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I notice our leaders like to say that they were born into middle class family


Middle class is loosely used .

Lee Wei Ling claimed that she was born into a middle class family.

Do u agree ?

Despite her family’s prominence, Dr Lee often described her upbringing as “frugal”.

“I was born into a middle class family with sensible parents that did not want their children brought up as rich and privileged,” she wrote in a 2020 Facebook post.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Middle class in the past used to mean well off stay landed. Now the term lost the meaning after being used loosely. Just like every mother son work in bank also call themselves bankers


If your father is the Prime Minister of a country and could afford to study in UK….you cannot be born into a middle class family.


They must have learnt from Alamak..
Next they will say they worked in McDonald's like the common man...give it a few more years
.they will say they are toilet cleaners b4 being called to higher office...



Actually I also not sure the exact definition of a middle class
If we differentiate low, middle and upper class, majority of sinkies will fall under the lower class.
And the upper class are the billionaires.
So maybe that's why all the leaders said they were/are middle class?


Actually I also not sure the exact definition of a middle class
If we differentiate low, middle and upper class, majority of sinkies will fall under the lower class.
And the upper class are the billionaires.
So maybe that's why all the leaders said they were/are middle class?
Same as your good looks is one class below Edison Chen, middle class is one class below upper class.

Also, like what you said, it's important that other people said she is middle class, not ownself claims ownself middle class.:biggrin::sneaky:


Same as your good looks is one class below Edison Chen, middle class is one class below upper class.

Also, like what you said, it's important that other people said she is middle class, not ownself claims ownself middle class.:biggrin::sneaky:
KNN this is a very good comparison :thumbsup: KNN they are exactly the same comparison


Also, like what you said, it's important that other people said she is middle class, not ownself claims ownself middle class.
On the other hand, she can show her assets and bank account, then ownself claim ownself as middle class, it is valid too.
For the looks department, she can post her own photo (without edit) and see what other people says.
For virginity, need to post the hymen photo together with a doctor certificate.
Then can ownself claim also.


LWL born in 1955. By 1959, her dad became dicktator of SG and started putting every real journalist, trade unionist and oppie behind bars after accusing them as Commies.

True Believer

Middle class in the past used to mean well off stay landed. Now the term lost the meaning after being used loosely. Just like every mother son work in bank also call themselves bankers
The term "celebrity" is also very loosely used on just about anyone in the S'pore entertainment industry from actors to DJs and just about anybody seen on TV or heard on radio. LOL!


If your father is the Prime Minister of a country and could afford to study in UK….you cannot be born into a middle class family.
And oso if "your farter could allest anyone at his whim and fancy and jail others without trial for 35 years and oso bankrupt those he does not like or mark others who correct him etc etc. and still call herself or himself middle class is no differleent from him".
