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I hope this time they will allow malays to fly this jet if they are serious about fighting the Chinese communist


Alfrescian (Inf)
You don't need maths to ride a bike. Same with flying a fighter jet,
hanor, measuring g-force need kalkulation.
navigating around korners on a motosikal with a full load at the back, does'nt "count"! :redface:
muuds should stick to delivering food. It's an important and noble task to supply food to many sinkies.
hannar, if can kap the korners on a motosikal without food spillage around the 99 bends at south bouna vista, then can kualify as food-pilot :thumbsup:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Malay pilots should be deployed as a kamikaze suicide squadron. Just fly the plane (laden with explosives) straight into a China aircraft carrier. Allahu akbar! :devilish:

syed putra

Malay pilots should be deployed as a kamikaze suicide squadron. Just fly the plane (laden with explosives) straight into a China aircraft carrier. Allahu akbar! :devilish:
Nothing motivate malays more than seeing a thousand chinese burnt alive. Recruit them immediately!


Malay pilots should be deployed as a kamikaze suicide squadron. Just fly the plane (laden with explosives) straight into a China aircraft carrier. Allahu akbar! :devilish:
Each m&d martyr suicide bomber will be presented a key to access heaven when they shout "Allah O Akbar!" before crashing.

syed putra

Malays not need maths to fly. They are already well verse in aerodynamics by doing physical tests snd trials.
