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i feel lonely


this world i live in is all about money
money seems to be very important when one is trying to survive but when one is earning enough and comfortable, money cannot buy real love


Just don't be like someone here.
In order to escape loneliness going out to harass the public and becum a public slut.
oh.u referring to that old aunty who always like to accuse people of this and that? i already put her on my ignorelist. life too short to talk or deal with such people

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
Go stand along geylang. See how many men approach you. After go approach any women standing there and see if you can get a free blow job. such challenges to self will make you less lonely.


Just don't be like someone here.
In order to escape loneliness going out to harass the public and becum a public slut.
That’s what you Cantonese son of slut did. You said you were jailed for harassing middle aged woman. Must be in public and caught by cctv. Pui!


oh.u referring to that old aunty who always like to accuse people of this and that? i already put her on my ignorelist. life too short to talk or deal with such people
You Cantonese liar criminal bully busted for harassing not cheap not sell nude hokkien woman to insult me while did not harass cheap sell nude cantonese woman now said ignore me are so pathetic loser. Pui!


just now i earn 5k from 3 to 7pm
i have no feeling
not happy not sad
no feeling
You low ses liar bully dog telling lies again when obviously you got no money to go to ktv to harass women and that’s why so pathetic low ses loser hide in forum to harass women. Pui!