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Posted on 18 Mar 2010
Service staff with poor English make me feel like a foreigner in my own country
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer S was made to feel like a foreigner by some service staff who could not understand and speak English.
The staff needed help to translate orders and queries from English to Chinese, says the STOMPer.
The STOMPer recounts the incident:
"Recently I went to a fast food restaurant called 'Bongo Burgers' at the Singapore Bird Park.
"I went to the counter staff and asked whether this restaurant is Halal certified.
"The counter staff, who had a foreign accent, told me to speak in English. I told her that I was speaking in English.
"The staff asked me what was 'Halal'. Then she asked another senior staff who explained the term to her. Even the senior staff spoke broken English with a foreign accent.
"There were so many people working in that restaurant and I realised none of them were Singaporeans.
"I'm sad to see that Singapore tourist spots don't have staff who speak proper English.
"Tourists will definitely think that Singapore is not an English speaking country even though we learn it as a first language in schools.
"On another occasion, I went to a "Q Bread" outlet to order a birthday cake and encountered a staff who didn't understand when I asked her 'when can I collect the cake?'
"A helpful customer helped me translate the question into Chinese.
"A few days later I went to collect the birthday cake and again, the staff didn't understand what I was saying. I ended up purchasing a cake which was on display.
"What bothers me is that the service standard of Singapore has dropped as the service industry is being filled with foreigners. I feel like a foreigner in my own country."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: poor english , foreigners
Service staff with poor English make me feel like a foreigner in my own country
<SCRIPT type=text/javascript src="http://static.ak.connect.facebook.com/js/api_lib/v0.4/FeatureLoader.js.php/en_US"></SCRIPT><IFRAME class=FB_SERVER_IFRAME src="http://www.facebook.com/extern/login_status.php?api_key=94647dc2aba553f149d6f1f12f85ecc6&extern=2&channel=http%3A%2F%2Fsingaporeseen.stomp.com.sg%2Fxd_receiver.htm&locale=en_US" frameBorder=0 name=loginStatus scrolling=no></IFRAME>
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer S was made to feel like a foreigner by some service staff who could not understand and speak English.
The staff needed help to translate orders and queries from English to Chinese, says the STOMPer.
The STOMPer recounts the incident:
"Recently I went to a fast food restaurant called 'Bongo Burgers' at the Singapore Bird Park.
"I went to the counter staff and asked whether this restaurant is Halal certified.
"The counter staff, who had a foreign accent, told me to speak in English. I told her that I was speaking in English.
"The staff asked me what was 'Halal'. Then she asked another senior staff who explained the term to her. Even the senior staff spoke broken English with a foreign accent.
"There were so many people working in that restaurant and I realised none of them were Singaporeans.
"I'm sad to see that Singapore tourist spots don't have staff who speak proper English.
"Tourists will definitely think that Singapore is not an English speaking country even though we learn it as a first language in schools.
"On another occasion, I went to a "Q Bread" outlet to order a birthday cake and encountered a staff who didn't understand when I asked her 'when can I collect the cake?'
"A helpful customer helped me translate the question into Chinese.
"A few days later I went to collect the birthday cake and again, the staff didn't understand what I was saying. I ended up purchasing a cake which was on display.
"What bothers me is that the service standard of Singapore has dropped as the service industry is being filled with foreigners. I feel like a foreigner in my own country."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: poor english , foreigners