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I can save temasick! Ho jinx should sue democrats for FTX money!

Singapore Dancing Spirit


FTX was the LARGEST scandal in US and World History involving LGBTQ+ and money laundering aimed for Democrats to win midterm elections. Of course, SG Government and several Hollywood and other celebrities impacted as well. HO CHING may think it is peanuts to her, but the damage is so HUGE as it may impact SG government go bankrupt in due time because of other fishy dealings which I would expose in due time. As I indicated FTX collapse is due to the three members who are all inexperienced, but they take heed from the Singh who is an Indian Origin who has ZERO insights on sustainability. All Chaos in the world is linked to DEVIL and Indian culprits behind. My Spiritual anger also pent-up against such Indian migrants despite I am also an Indian in the same Industry. However i was trained and groomed to attain 100% accuracy in Information Technology but US governments. God Himself certified that Sunder Pichai of Google or Tim Cook of Apple may have attained only 1% of my knowledge, wisdom and my understanding of IT or Fin Tech. to me when Satan was debating with me against World affairs. Satan was thunder stuck and terrified at that moment. I kept my mouth shut. Satan himself came to me and accepted my IQ level is much higher than Einstein's but I did not say a word to him as he is here with me fighting for 18 hours a day.

Devil spends less than a minute each day to control LHL or Joe BIden
But he spends 18 hour a day to suppress my emotions every day, but he was defeated...... Beware.
Devil tried all he could to overcome me spiritually but FAILED abruptly. because his wisdom is inferior to me.
It is NOT a JOKE; it is not so easy. You will know it what I meant. I am not here to exaggerate but to demonstrate in due time.

Both FTX and Democrats Failed in USA due to LGBTQ+ BUT they won't accept their defeat as they try to manipulate the system. But I am sure they can't do anything this time as it may lead to USA to collapse You will get to see the ripple effect sooner into SG. Though PAP does so much money laundering though its Temasek Holdings, it was hidden from public insights. I wanted to bail out Temasek from such dealings, but Satan do not not want me to deal with them as Dragoon is gone against him. They all need to accept their defeat in salience. People think PAP is doing a great job. I have already asked PAP Government that where did 2% of the Net Profit of DBS go in 2020? I even wrote to LHL but no reply. I won't speak about such topics any further anywhere anymore. But I am waiting for the forum or platform where LHL is answerable to me under oath he cannot escape

Mr., K. SHANMUGAM, Chief of Police, AGC AND CHIEF OF JUSCTIC cannot say a word as there is no truth in them. I had seen such a circumstance in a vision to experience that very moment a decade ago (not now). I saw the Lion aka devil who burst into TEARS due to his pent-up frustrations on me. Lion could have devoured me, but he could not do so due to my spiritual authority over him. I overheard God uttered that I don't have to "look up to" his eyes that is going to shed crocodile tears but to "look down" on him. He reiterated this as I knew he is 100% naked or nude in the spiritual realm which I got access to. So, from that moment on, I knew devil is defeated I am looking down on him.

I learnt to look down on any corrupt politicians from Joe Biden to LHL due to their corrupt nature and practices
PAP leaders may think they can dress up very well. But they are all naked before my spiritual eyes and i will unmask their nudity before all world to see in due time.
They think there is NONE in SG to question the status quo. Just take a note. I am not here to compete with PAP or any members of PAP or Democrats of USA.

When i use my Spiritual authority, everyone will get to see Satan's true color in the spiritual realm simultaneously or concurrently. Dragon is expected to come to testify against devil as Hell itself divided. It is going to be an at most humiliation in the history of mankind since Adam's era. Everyone on earth should be able to witness this event. It is going to be the most spectacular evet ever. Don't ask me if this broadcast or streamed online. No, there is NO media to be able to do this. Even an international media cannot cover all over the world at a specific time for all to see and such media cannot enforce to coordinate all to see. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Netflix may be international, but they cannot enforce all to see at the same time due to time difference. They are the modern culprits who are anti-social to exploit the gay culture into the world. Those involved will be transported to Singapore no matter where you live, and you cannot escape.

Counting down for my vision to come to Pass.
It is all spiritual.
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Unless of course, Ho Jinx and her Temasek geniuses were also complicit in the scam.

Never forget FTX's dealings with Ukraine and the Democratic Party (DNC). :cool:
It's SGs tribute to the empire for the war effort in Ukraine.
Although in a round about way, but achieves the exact same outcomes without the peasants finding out. Remember the aircraft carrier parked at eastern anchorage recently?
It's the tried and tested gunboat diplomacy, or else....

Singapore Dancing Spirit

It's SGs tribute to the empire for the war effort in Ukraine.
Although in a roundabout way but achieves the exact same outcomes without the peasants finding out. Remember the aircraft carrier parked at eastern anchorage recently?
It's the tried and tested gunboat diplomacy, or else....


The aircraft carrier parked at eastern anchorage last year lah
any thing again??