Dr Tan Cheng Bock[/h]<a class="uiLinkSubtle" href="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=506202832787590&set=a.117989784942232.21664.117080878366456&type=1"><abbr title="Saturday, September 7, 2013 at 5:38pm" data-utime="1378546685" class="timestamp livetimestamp">21 hours ago</abbr> near
Ghim Moh
Visiting an old parliamentary friend, Chiam See Tong.
Chiam is recovering from a hip injury in a nursing home.He was extremely happy to see me.He said nowadays he gets to meet few people.
He was sitting up in bed.We chatted.His speech was audible and measured but his thoughts were clear.In fact l noticed a great improvement in his speech since the last time we met.
We talked about old parliamentary days and how he stood up against the government
We were on opposite sides but respected each other.He kept saying l was a better debater than him but l said that was nothing compared to his voice representng the opposition in the house
His presence in the House changed the political scene ln Singapore.
I could sense that he still has a lot of fire in him despite his physical condition.
I admire his determination and recall the early days of him and his wife Lina campaigning in their volkswagon car and against all odds won his seat in parliament
I told him the next time l visit him he must be up and about.He smiled and l knew he will do it. Get well soon Chiam. YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION TO MANY SINGAPOREANS.