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hunger caused crime, very sad... same tragedy happen in SG


Hungry man missed several meals and resorted to robbery in Taiwan.:(:(

See how weak he is under the mata's boots... :(:(

Need to step him this way? :confused:


He stole a scooter to use it to snatch rob a woman. Mata mass chased him, fired gun (warning shot), cornered him within the dead end alley, arrested him. Must still step on him after handcuffed behind. Damn brutal cowboys.:mad: Just a poor hungry fellow...:(

In SG prisons, there are similar stories I heard... Sad states..

Pathetic way to get FOC prison meals?:confused:


遊民肚餓 偷機車行搶女子

<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2011/06/19 23:01</q>
<table class="left" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td><label> </label></td></tr> </tbody></table>新北市一位江姓遊民,因為餓了好幾餐,18日晚上偷了一部機車後,在板橋地區尋找落單女子行搶,警方獲報後,出動大批員警在大馬路上追緝,途中嫌犯還企圖騎車衝撞,員警鳴槍,同時在小巷弄內,將他逮捕。
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