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Human meat tastes good, especially vegan ones.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Beware of Iran and Iranians in India

A sect of Indians who originally migrated from Iran to India is called Aryans (Iranians). Traditionally Indians would say that ther is no harm in trusting a snake than these Aryans as they are more venomous and poisonous than deadly snakes.

Though these Aryans now living in all over India, they originally lived in Kerala and Gujarat. Some of them even migrated to SG/

These 2 states which are very notorious as a birthplace for homosexual tradition as follows
Kerala is the state where they worship gay god Iyeppan (women are not allowed to enter into this temple as this god is gay)

The prominent notorious people whose has the strong roots with Kerala background and gay aay culture are
This may give you a hint why SG repealed 377a so easily.

Gujarat is notorious for gays. There was Tsunami and Earthquake purged most of the gays
  1. The state of Gujarat is where Notorious Gay PM of India Modi hails from
  2. Notorious Gay CEO of DBS Piyush Gupta originally from Gujrat
This may give you a hint as to why Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Lawrence Wong made a trip to Gujarat
for signing who is also the deputy chairman of MAS.

To be continued....

Singapore Dancing Spirit


This sect of Indians who are Cannibals prone to smoke weed continuously are called Aghori.
Aghora are followers of Shiva, lord of destruction. Shiva goes by the name Lucifer in the Bible. (Satan)
Singaporeans celebrate Satan with a lion dance.

Modi literally worship these nude monks in India...
Beware of CECA culture


  • The Aghori_ An ancient religion with dark rituals_Trim.mp4
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