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Huge saltwater crocodile spotted in malacca/pd


Alfrescian (Inf)
The Malaccan Portuguese folks will find it, kill it and then BBQ it. :biggrin:



The chupcheng descendants of the Portuguese sailors back in the day. :biggrin:

Don’t have to call them descendants. More likely that western sailors couldn’t control their libido and peed onto Malay and Indian pussy in the olden days and that is why we can see so many ‘western’, uneducated and poor blackie today. There are many of these people in Philippines too

syed putra

Don’t have to call them descendants. More likely that western sailors couldn’t control their libido and peed onto Malay and Indian pussy in the olden days and that is why we can see so many ‘western’, uneducated and poor blackie today. There are many of these people in Philippines too
In The philippines, the spanish owned the big farms. Not sure if they intebred with locals. Only lowly spanish soldiers interbred with locals and left.

Ayala group still controlled by spanish

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