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HUAT AH! HK rebels ownself HOAXED Ownself and fear to be made VANISHED, ownselves shitlessly JUMP UP LORRY! MAGA! More Fake News Pse!

democracy my butt


【最新】警方:墮樓青年稱「不想被消失」反映受假消息禍害 令人感無奈

now.com 新聞

48 人追蹤

2019年12月27日 上午8:42

【最新】警方:墮樓青年稱「不想被消失」反映受假消息禍害 令人感無奈

【最新】警方:墮樓青年稱「不想被消失」反映受假消息禍害 令人感無奈

[Latest] Police: Youths who fell down said "don't want to be disappeared" to reflect the scourge of fake news
[now.com news]
now.com news
December 27, 2019 at 8:42 am
[Latest] Police: Youths who fell from the building said that they do not want to be disappeared.
[Latest] Police: Youths who fell down said "don't want to be disappeared" to reflect the scourge of fake news

[Now News] During the Christmas holiday, some young people fell off the building during a police-civilian conflict in the mall, and then shouted to passersby "don't want to disappear". The police believed that some citizens were brainwashed by fake news and fake news online. It is absurd to feel helpless.

The Chief Superintendent of the Police Public Relations Division, Guo Jiayu, said that after the young people involved fell off the building, they shouted to other demonstrators and the media at the scene "do not want to disappear", saying that many people would be sent to unknown places after being arrested And even killed. He pointed out that these are ridiculous ideas, emphasizing that the police have always acted in accordance with the law, and after the demonstrators are arrested, if there is evidence, they will be delivered to the court, otherwise the arrested will be released on bail to describe the police's professional performance.

Guo Jiayu pointed out that the incident clearly saw the scourge of fake news and fake news. He hoped that the public would return to rationality and distinguish between true and false information.

For police officers who showed reporters' ID cards in front of the live camera, Guo Jiazhen acknowledged that police officers had done something wrong and would conduct investigations. They would also cooperate with the investigation of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner.