Take your cash money, the money which cannot see daylight one. Hawkers got alot of these cannot see daylight money stuffed under their bed. Exchanged them for chips in RWS and play a little here and there just not to get suspected. The next day, take your chips to exhange for money. The Casino will not give you cash money but write a cheque for you.
There you are, your money is washed clean and you can banked the cheque. Gambling money is also tax free some more.
How many times can you do it? Until you are caught, I guess. Or you can use your wife, son, uncle, brother and so on until all your monies are washed.
Friend, this information is better than the Holy Bible, spare some change and give it to God.
There you are, your money is washed clean and you can banked the cheque. Gambling money is also tax free some more.
How many times can you do it? Until you are caught, I guess. Or you can use your wife, son, uncle, brother and so on until all your monies are washed.
Friend, this information is better than the Holy Bible, spare some change and give it to God.