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How to identify these workers who have gone through career pivot ? Can samster offer them part time or freelance job ?



Helping Singapore’s sex workers move to other careers​


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SINGAPORE - In February 2024, Nina – who is in her mid-40s – quit sex work. A month later, she started full-time work in customer service with the help of non-profit organisation Project X.

A former masseuse who provided “happy endings” to clients, the single mother joined the sex trade about 20 years ago to support her child, then a toddler.

Nina (not her real name) is one of those who have benefited from a Project X programme called The Next Step, which was set up in October 2023 to help sex workers looking to find alternative career pathways.


Nina quit her customer service job several months after she started due to chronic back pain, for which she had to undergo surgery.

She now has difficulty moving about and hopes to find work that allows her to work from home. The programme has been helping her with providing groceries for a smoother transition, and she is grateful for the support.

She has been appreciating the simple pleasures of life, from going to church to participating in social gatherings and other activities organised by the programme.

“When I started my new job, I was cooking for my son after work,” Nina said. “I missed all those normal daily-living lifestyle.”

Nina, who has been in and out of prison for drug offences, said she will never return to sex work.

“In prison, I saw 70-year-olds still working as sex workers. It’s very depressing, you know. I don’t want to be like that,” she said. “I’m not discriminating against them, but I want to go back to a normal lifestyle.”


Alfrescian (Inf)
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Alfrescian (Inf)
“In prison, I saw 70-year-olds still working as sex workers. It’s very depressing, you know. I don’t want to be like that,” she said. “I’m not discriminating against them, but I want to go back to a normal lifestyle.”

Prostitution is allowed in prisons?

At least there is no risk of pregnancy with 70+ year old working ladies.