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Chitchat How spg leetired at 38 to live in Bali


She must have some money. Or she's opening up her legs for some rich indo business man.


I sent things to many local women who stayed alone in condos, almost not working. Can tell some of them work as social escorts or kept-women.

Every woman is a potential whore, because they have the cheebye.
Some will rent out their own condo and rent another unit elsewhere to avoid detection.

Whores, whores everywhere.


Only angmo and angmo wannabes love Bali. If you really want to live in Bali...try Changkat Changi instead.


Only angmo and angmo wannabes love Bali. If you really want to live in Bali...try Changkat Changi instead.
Bali has a few zones:

One for the indigenous peoples, farming and rural
One for the indonesians outside bali to work, SOHOs and start-ups.
One for Tourists and Australians to take drugs and pump their women raw.