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How Japs make porn.


Japs lost their mojo.

This is because copying only takes you so far.

Moreover, they are not the best at a lot of things, they are rather mediocre.

Their modus operandi was to copy the west, compete on the basis of cost. When lower cost competitors arrived, they got squeezed from both ends.

Now their only famous export might be jav or some childish anime or playstation or such. And some cars.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Japs lost their mojo.

This is because copying only takes you so far.

Moreover, they are not the best at a lot of things, they are rather mediocre.

Their modus operandi was to copy the west, compete on the basis of cost. When lower cost competitors arrived, they got squeezed from both ends.

Now their only famous export might be jav or some childish anime or playstation or such. And some cars.
Low class low IQ race criticizing Japs? Look into the mirror you dickhead. Japs export their culture worldwide with great acceptance. What the fuck did you lowly mudds export?


Low class low IQ race criticizing Japs? Look into the mirror you dickhead. Japs export their culture worldwide with great acceptance. What the fuck did you lowly mudds export?

Japs export JAV worldwide alright, that's what I've said if you didn't understand.

Stinkies can't even do that, no doubt, a nation of coolies peasant prostitutes rickshawpullers opium addicts whores harlots night soil collectors street vendors fishermen boatmen have got no talents either.

this is why stinkies end up flocking to visit malaysia like peasants that they are.
