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How far back in your life can you remember?


For me, only when I was in kindergarten. Can only remember that far. Can't remember anything before that....Even those hard copies photographs taken pre kindergarten with my late step grandpa also looks strange to me. Are my brain cells dying?


Alfrescian (Inf)
For me, only when I was in kindergarten. Can only remember that far. Can't remember anything before that....Even those hard copies photographs taken pre kindergarten with my late step grandpa also looks strange to me. Are my brain cells dying?

this is true................believe it or not..............

i was holding my own milk bottle...................i was held by my mom.................a man then commented that i was very smart to be able to do that....................somehow i understood what they said in Cantonese even though it should be impossible...........


this is true................believe it or not..............

i was holding my own milk bottle...................i was held by my mom.................a man then commented that i was very smart to be able to do that....................somehow i understood what they said in Cantonese even though it should be impossible...........
I believe you.
Becos I could remember when I was still a toddler like 2yo, my neighbour zeh zeh carried me I could feel kind of sensual gratification to it.


as they say..................perverts are not made..................they're born perverts.............. :laugh: :roflmao:
As I grew older and become adult, I thought I was a child prodigy being able to feel what an adult will feel, rather than a pervert :biggrin::laugh:
Much later in my adult working life I then realised God has given me something unique lah :wink:


I can remember most events that happened from age 4 onwards .
At 4 when my dad brought me along to register for my elder sis kindergarten, I was so excited to learn that another year to go I can start to attend.
Then when I finally attended it at 5, i cried when I couldn't find my aunt outside the school when she was supposed to be fetching me home.
At 7 in pri one, the cb teacher made us kneel on the floor with both hands crossed pulling our ear.
Same at 7, I doesn't know how to remove my singlet by myself during PE lesson and I was too shy to ask for help:laugh:
At 7 in pri one, I didn't know there were such thing as school prefect. So during recess time there were some prefects blocking us from entering a premises in the school, I just forced my way through with a wtf were you doing attitude.
At 9 in pri 3, the cb maths teacher punished us by ordering us To freeze, then he will tickle our belly wtf. I think that that teacher should be gone by now.
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At 7 in pri one, the cb teacher made us kneel on the floor with both hands crossed pulling our ear.
Same at 7, I doesn't know how to remove my singlet by myself during PE lesson and I was too shy to ask for help:laugh:
At 9 in pri 3, the cb maths teacher punished us by ordering us To freeze, then he will tickle our belly wtf. I think that that teacher should be gone by now.

You were abused by lao cha bor at such a young age.

Now I can understand why you keep attacking my mentor.



You were abused by lao cha bor at such a young age.

Now I can understand why you keep attacking my mentor.

Orh no lah, I bully your mentor partly becos she was a ex accountant cum finance mgr.
I was bullied by many lao char bor accountant and finance mgr in my earlier working life. One of them I even scolded her ccb when I couldn't take it anymore when she deducted our salary when we were late for 10mins.


Since age 3.

I can remember most of my Kindergarten classmates and my primary school friends' telephone numbers.
This is something unusual for someone to remember telephone numbers from kindergarten if they didn't wrote it down somewhere.
You could also be a child prodigy.


This is something unusual for someone to remember telephone numbers from kindergarten if they didn't wrote it down somewhere.
You could also be a child prodigy.
I tell it's a very boliao thing, I can assure you.

It's the same with music. Even the melody I wasn't interested, it kept repeating itself in my mind and distracted me. And the song that I love listening to, I hear all the instruments in the background, especially the fucking bass guitar and cello playing individually. I suspect I'm a bit khee siao, not prodigy. :sneaky:

Now I hear whizzing sound and many try to tell me it's tinnitus, but I believe it's the fucking 5G thing on the rooftop. 很痛苦的啊!:frown::frown: