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How cum Huawei founder uses Apple products? 不会打脸吗?


Alfrescian (Inf)


Alfrescian (Inf)
all elite tiongs carry iphones and ipads for personal use and huawei phones for official use. and they stash their cash abroad in usd. they are ccp’s biggest hypocrites.



I like this guy. Good head on his shoulders, feet firmly on the ground.

Basically he's saying we shouldn't conflate our choice of cellphones with the politics of nationalism. Whether you use Huawei or iPhone is not (and should not be) an indicator of how patriotic you are. He adds that his entire family uses iPhone.

iPhone 15 uses a 3nm chip (TSMC), faster than Huawei Mate 60's 7nm chip (SMIC), good for phone gamers. Huawei's advantage is satellite call & text capability (iPhone only satellite text).