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How come Australian natives gets a better deal?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

In jiuhu, orang asli are not treated as the real indigenous people. muud moslem settlers constantly enroach and steal orang asli land, and tie public services and government cash grants directly to conversion to the foreign islamic religion.


Becoz NZ Maori natives already got their deal long time ago. AU mentality is still like White South Africa.

syed putra

In jiuhu, orang asli are not treated as the real indigenous people. muud moslem settlers constantly enroach and steal orang asli land, and tie public services and government cash grants directly to conversion to the foreign islamic religion.
Orang asli and malays have intermarried in most cases and are considered as one and under bumiputra privileges. Only a small remnants remains stubborn and stick to their animist culture.


In jiuhu, orang asli are not treated as the real indigenous people. muud moslem settlers constantly enroach and steal orang asli land, and tie public services and government cash grants directly to conversion to the foreign islamic religion.
Orang Asli add in... Jiuhu will need 50% service tax to help tbe poor

syed putra

In jiuhu, orang asli are not treated as the real indigenous people. muud moslem settlers constantly enroach and steal orang asli land, and tie public services and government cash grants directly to conversion to the foreign islamic religion.
You are mistaken. The were only trying to get orang asli to assimilate


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Orang asli and malays have intermarried in most cases and are considered as one and under bumiputra privileges.

Not in reality. In jiuhu, the vast majority of the bumi privileges in politics, finance, education, are reserved for muud moslems.

Only a small remnants remains stubborn and stick to their animist culture.

Why do you insult orang asli aborigines who want to stay in their own culture? Part of your islamic upbringing?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Does it matter here? The Sinkie Constitution is not worth a fuck, it's basically carte blanche for tyrants. You should try reading it sometimes.