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How A Top Muslim Cop In Bangladesh Robbed Hindus Of Their Properties



A top cop in Bangladesh illicitly seized Hindu properties, all under Prime Minister Hasina’s administration, without any significant repercussions.The big news from Bangladesh currently is about a former police chief of the country, Benazir Ahmed, who is accused of amassing properties worth hundreds of crores of Bangladeshi Taka.

Ahmed, who is suspected to have fled the country with the help of senior leaders of the ruling Awami League (AL), is being investigated by the country’s Anti-Corruption Commission and a Dhaka court ordered confiscation of most of his properties


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

A top cop in Bangladesh illicitly seized Hindu properties, all under Prime Minister Hasina’s administration, without any significant repercussions.The big news from Bangladesh currently is about a former police chief of the country, Benazir Ahmed, who is accused of amassing properties worth hundreds of crores of Bangladeshi Taka.

Ahmed, who is suspected to have fled the country with the help of senior leaders of the ruling Awami League (AL), is being investigated by the country’s Anti-Corruption Commission and a Dhaka court ordered confiscation of most of his properties

Stealing from non-moslems isn't a sin in islam. Even muhammad, founder of islam, stole from others. @syed putra