Hey all,
I've got a burning question.
For those residing in other cuntries, I'm curious how new houses/apartments are sold. Do they build the whole block first, then let you see the exact unit you want before selling? Or they do it sg style? Sell you when the block is just a piece of dirt land?
This practise always disturbs me. There is no way you'll know what it's like living in that particular unit you want, and how good the fittings are. How can anyone put down so much $$ with just a diagram and scale model to show???
I've got a burning question.
For those residing in other cuntries, I'm curious how new houses/apartments are sold. Do they build the whole block first, then let you see the exact unit you want before selling? Or they do it sg style? Sell you when the block is just a piece of dirt land?
This practise always disturbs me. There is no way you'll know what it's like living in that particular unit you want, and how good the fittings are. How can anyone put down so much $$ with just a diagram and scale model to show???