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Hottest and coolest spaces in Singapore


Too bad if one is low SES living in an HDB flat. High SES people living at Bukit Timah have the most greenery and hence cooler temps. @JohnTan's got it good.

the moment i step into home, aircon is on until the moment i step out of home .. i am a useless being. i can't live without air-conditioning


Super Moderator
There are already two seasons is SG. Hot and hotter.
Buy annual pass to GBTB, seniors have discounted price of $60 per annum- works out to be under $0.17 per day. Cheapest air-conditioned area to be in if you’re in there on a daily basis. I recommend standing at the entrance of the cloud forest and admire the waterfall, strong wind blowing too.


Old Fart
Buy annual pass to GBTB, seniors have discounted price of $60 per annum- works out to be under $0.17 per day. Cheapest air-conditioned area to be in if you’re in there on a daily basis. I recommend standing at the entrance of the cloud forest and admire the waterfall, strong wind blowing too.
That's a great suggestion, thanks. Can try it out for one year. At the moment, I get my free air con at Changi Airport. I do a different terminal each day. I bring my rack sack which contains a thin cardigan in case it gets too cold, a seat cushion when my butt hurts from sitting too long, and a pair of binoculars to beo chiobu.