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Posted on 10 May 2010
Look at my infected foot after neighbour's dog bit me
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer RockyCookie was traumatised when an unleashed dog ruthlessly attacked him one month ago. Little did he expect the initially minor wound to exacerbate so severely that he has since undergone two surgeries and has yet to recover.
In an email sent on May 10, RockyCookie says:
"It's been a month since the attack and things had to get worse before they get better.
"The doctor attending to my case at the clinic did not take any action to clean up the wound further nor try to see what could be the cause for the swelling.
"The nurses cleaning my wound insisted that there was no infection and took me off antibiotics.
"A day later, my dad took me to my family doctor who cut away some dead tissue and found that the wound was deeper than initially thought.
"The doctor urgently referred me to a TTSH Orthodontist. After a series of blood tests and four x-rays, I was sent home.
"The next morning, my whole foot swelled up to a point where my ankle was no longer visible and I couldn't even put any pressure on it.
"I was rushed to the hospital, where I was put on painkillers and antibiotics. During my two-week-stay there, I had two surgeries to remove the infected tissue and drain the fluids before getting seven stitches to close the wound.
"The injury from the bottom jaw was excised in an area of about 5.5cm by 4.5cm with a depth of 0.7cm. This wound cannot be stitched and I opted for natural healing over skin graft since there is no point in giving me another injury to manage.
"Apparently the dog's teeth went in deep and curved against the direction of the superficial skin tear towards my ankle and this led to a build up of infection that the antibiotics could not cure. My foot was attached to a vacuum pump that sucked out any fluids.
"I won't be able to walk for about one month and cannot wear shoes for the next eight weeks.
"The wound is expected to completely close up in about four months.
"I was also advised to drop a university module, delaying my graduation by six months and disrupting my plans for further study.
"Until today, there has been not a single word or appearance from the family whose dog attacked me. The police are still conducting their investigation and so is AVA.
"I am extremely disappointed that even after a month, that family has no courtesy to even come by to see how things are.
"All costs incurred to my dogs and me from the attack is already a five-digit amount and will only get higher."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: dogs , heartless , attack , Unsympathetic
Look at my infected foot after neighbour's dog bit me
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer RockyCookie was traumatised when an unleashed dog ruthlessly attacked him one month ago. Little did he expect the initially minor wound to exacerbate so severely that he has since undergone two surgeries and has yet to recover.
In an email sent on May 10, RockyCookie says:
"It's been a month since the attack and things had to get worse before they get better.
"The doctor attending to my case at the clinic did not take any action to clean up the wound further nor try to see what could be the cause for the swelling.
"The nurses cleaning my wound insisted that there was no infection and took me off antibiotics.
"A day later, my dad took me to my family doctor who cut away some dead tissue and found that the wound was deeper than initially thought.
"The doctor urgently referred me to a TTSH Orthodontist. After a series of blood tests and four x-rays, I was sent home.
"The next morning, my whole foot swelled up to a point where my ankle was no longer visible and I couldn't even put any pressure on it.
"I was rushed to the hospital, where I was put on painkillers and antibiotics. During my two-week-stay there, I had two surgeries to remove the infected tissue and drain the fluids before getting seven stitches to close the wound.
"The injury from the bottom jaw was excised in an area of about 5.5cm by 4.5cm with a depth of 0.7cm. This wound cannot be stitched and I opted for natural healing over skin graft since there is no point in giving me another injury to manage.
"Apparently the dog's teeth went in deep and curved against the direction of the superficial skin tear towards my ankle and this led to a build up of infection that the antibiotics could not cure. My foot was attached to a vacuum pump that sucked out any fluids.
"I won't be able to walk for about one month and cannot wear shoes for the next eight weeks.
"The wound is expected to completely close up in about four months.
"I was also advised to drop a university module, delaying my graduation by six months and disrupting my plans for further study.
"Until today, there has been not a single word or appearance from the family whose dog attacked me. The police are still conducting their investigation and so is AVA.
"I am extremely disappointed that even after a month, that family has no courtesy to even come by to see how things are.
"All costs incurred to my dogs and me from the attack is already a five-digit amount and will only get higher."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: dogs , heartless , attack , Unsympathetic