Re: Hooray...SDA and SDP coming to Tampines liao.. tampines residents got hope liao..
but a 3 or multi-corner fight is something we dont need. Totally undesireable.
We dont need to replace the PAP as goverment, but losing a few seats will wake them up and allow the opposition to give Singaporeans real voice by elected Mps and not NCMPs, which to me is just a mouthpiece and have no actual power or ability to speak of.
A lot of PMETs are disillusioned and even PAP party ranks beginning to fray 'cos many members are in a situation where even they are getting hurt by PAP's policies. I know of one guy who stopped volunteering after he was replaced by an FT drawing half his previous pay. So we can expect a shift this election, maybe in the next few years even some form of outright dissension within the PAP.
Now is the chance for the oppo to make in roads in terms of outright wins. I hope they remember their history well. Any 3 cornered fight in the past 3 decades has ended up in tears for the oppo, and an easy win for the PAP. No exceptions. If any oppo parties displays such lack of knowledge, they will lose my support immediately.
Also another lesson is that participating in elections is a
marathon, not a 100m sprint; That means your conduct in this election will determine your chances in the next. So if oppo is going to adopt a short term view, I will also be very disappointed. Change is gonna happen over time, but not over just one election cycle. My take is that the oppos who are gonna emerge stronger after 5,10 years will be those who take long term strategies.