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Honest Indian - Mr Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam

KingFook Sr

Taken from Quora.
Why does Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam write like an angry old man who hates everything except China?
It's a long story
It began in 1985

A Delegation of Chinese Businessmen came to Bombay to various Indian Banks for a Letter of Credit.
They wanted a LoC of £ 15 Million Or so to import steel from Hull in UK
They wanted an SBI LoC because their banks were not recognized in UK and the UK Bank (Midlands Bank) refused to do Business with the Chinese
DBS refused because the Steel was not insured
The Chinese delegation waited for 4 Days patiently and for three days the Bank GM couldn't meet them. They waited outside his cabin and were mocked at by the staff
All of us worked close by - SBI, BoB, CBI and other banks so this was popular news
Every day at lunch the four Chinese would sit and have Indian food and give awkward smiles
On the fourth day the GM came, gave them 30–40 minutes and demanded a ton of documents
At the same time the Japanese had come for some credit line related to NTPC to supply equipment and they were met by the Chairman and executives and given VVIP treatment
The Chinese patiently signed their documents, did their business, paid the extra interest and went back home
I was a witness to this and any banker who worked in Bombay would be witness to this


In 2014 - 29 years later, a Chinese Delegation came for some business
Banks scrambled over themselves for the Chinese Business
They deposited $ 2 Billion in one hour with a flick of their finger
The Executives grovelled and kowtowed and bowed and scraped like Coolies before the Chinese
Plus at this time SBI needed LoC from Foreign Banks to import from UK or US while every Bank in the world saluted at the Chinese LoC and advanced Twenty Billion Dollars without a second word
So SBI Kowtowed to Bank of America or Credit Suisse or used Bangee to get it's LoCs accepted for upto $ 300 Million
The Chinese Banks didn't need anything. They could get $ 20 Billion on their own LoC
I was a witness to this also
I wasn't a Banker anymore but a Legal /Credit Consultant and saw the 2 Billion Dollar deposit as a friend showed me the entry

In 29 years i saw the Chinese grow from people who didn't merit even a MD of a PSB to a group of people who could deposit 2 Billion Dollars in a single hour
I saw the same UK Banks who once refused to give the Chinese a mere 15 Million Pounds unless they had double backed LoCs , now begging for their business and lending them 20 Billion on their Paper without 15 seconds hesitation
I saw the Chinese go from a Nation which once stood in line at Tata Steel gaping with awe and admiration at our machines and process, now a Nation that makes steel superior to any other Nation on the planet
I saw the Chinese who once watched our Maruti 800 with awe and admiration now make EVs that are beating the pants of the Western models every single day
In 40 stinking years!!!!!!
I see India once proudly emerging now groveling for Business from Western Companies even with all political favors
I see India unable to produce a pencil that has a demand in a Global market outside Nigeria and Bangladesh
I see India entirely dependent on Western Hardware and Software and merely clicking the key board like two bit PROGRAMMING COOLIES unable to invent anything with a Global Appeal
I see India with once with an Industrial Productivity which was fourth highest in Asia in 1981 after Japan, South Korea and Singapore now rank 11th behind Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia and even Goddamn Thailand!!!!!
And all my anger began with Mitra

Those who have been on Quora for longer than 4 years can attest to this
I never wrote anything except the law and rarely politics and never on China until I saw posts of Mitra as a cutting edge robot
I felt a surge of rage and all my pent up emotions surged out and that's it. It can't stop to this day.
I saw my fellow countrymen defend Mitra as a cutting edge piece of Robotics and it's founder rather than acknowledge that it was premature to introduce this Robot to the Global World , actually mock me as a desk jockey government servant and claim that he would respond only to the criticism of Google Top Execs or Big Shots
I left the topic at this point, unwilling to start a war on Quora
From that day I have written against Indian ‘Achievements' because I AM ANGRY
I am not a Chinese Citizen
I am an Indian Citizen and I want my sons to be here in this country with me, growing, prospering, working hard for its development like so many Chinese sons
To watch with pride as India grows and dominates
But No!!!!
I see LIES, LIES and more LIES every day
I see my fellow countrymen rather than find ways to identify problems, call me China Agent and Paid Propagandist
It shows me the inferiority of many of my countrymen and I GET ANGRY
So you think it's because I admire the Chinese that I write all this?
Where did we go wrong?
That keeps me angry all the time
What can we do about it? How can we correct ourselves?
Nobody asks this question and that makes me angry all the more

So if you don't like it - Apologies
I will keep on and on
Somewhere some people should wake up and see and question people Like Byju Raveendran, Ola Bhavish , Ambani, Adani, Mahindra on what their indigenous technology is and what they have actually achieved
Question people like Modi, Shah, Nirmala, Rahul Gandhi, Kejriwal on the same questions
And those who agree with me, they aren't my bhakts. They are just logical minds who can see where the Nation is heading.

For God's sakes remember I am not your enemy
I am a Patriotic Indian helplessly watching his Nation slide into regression and worthlessness with every passing day
Those who are closing their eyes to this and talking of 3rd Largest Economy and Viksit Bharat and How great Ambani is - THEY ARE THE PROBLEM NOT ME
