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Honda Jazz vs Tour de France


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Hope that the bicycle rider can recover

He is nor supposed on 2nd lane

If he sticks to the left lane he'll end up on the expressway and there'll be an outcry over cyclists on the expressway shoulder.

He therefore did the correct thing and took a lane which would allow him to avoid turning left onto the on-ramp and go straight ahead instead.

His reward for lining up correctly is to get rammed from behind by a clueless, blind driver. Doesn't sound very fair to me.

See for yourself at https://www.google.com/maps/@1.3026...FRMKg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu
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the jazz driver has sent an excellent precedent.

since these fucking TDF cyclists langgar people no problem...cannot claim any insurance, then drivers can simply langgar them, no need to bother about insurance.
they langgar you bo tai chi.
you langgar then also bo tai chi lah.