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Hokkien province has been good taxpayer and made positive contribution to China since Tang Dynasty




Among ALL towns in China, only those in south east China like Hokkien province are the good taxpayers and most peaceful during Tang Dynasty time!
Ccb Malaysian Chinese tax and other payment evaders that are hokkiens are so dishonorable and such a disgrace to true blue Hokkiens indeed.


Among ALL towns in China, only those in south east China like Hokkien province are the good taxpayers and most peaceful during Tang Dynasty time!
Looks like throughout history, good Hokkiens have been doing the giving and get back little or nothing in return from China government. No clear and open recognition of Hokkiens’ BIG contribution to China since Tang to Song Dynasty to now.


Looks like throughout history, good Hokkiens have been doing the giving and get back little or nothing in return from China government. No clear and open recognition of Hokkiens’ BIG contribution to China since Tang to Song Dynasty to now.
Poor hokkiens’ fate is just like mine indeed. Give and give from taxes to charity and get back nothing good and the worse is get evil shit stealing slandering and harassing by ccb Malaysians and sinkie traitor dogs.


Poor hokkiens’ fate is just like mine indeed. Give and give from taxes to charity and get back nothing good and the worse is get evil shit stealing slandering and harassing by ccb Malaysians and sinkie traitor dogs.
Good hokkiens that are good tax payers and do charity and dare to do swearing are so honorable people indeed.