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Chitchat Hokkien are the best, Honkies can setup kong siak kia shops...

syed putra

Here is why

The Xi'an Muslim Quarter, is a relatively large Muslim enclave in Xi’an City, China. The Xi'an Muslim Quarter is located inside the city wall of Xi'an and mainly consists the area bounded by the Xida Avenue, Beiyuan Gate, Hongbu Road, and Zaoci Street. Today, the quarter comprises four neighborhoods, Huajue Xiang, Hongbu Jie, Xuexi Xiang, and Sajin Qiao. According to demographic statistics in 2003, the Muslim population living in the quarter was 32,361, 49.8% of the total Muslim population in Xi'an city. In the past two decades, Xi'an Muslim Quarter has become a well-known tourism site which is famous for its culture and food.