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HK post CNY2019 nearly daily a whole family suicide discovered! On average.

democracy my butt

【元朗雙屍】單位傳異味 揭夫婦燒炭亡


1.2k 人追蹤

2019年2月27日 上午11:19

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【元朗雙屍】單位傳異味 揭夫婦燒炭亡

【西環三屍】男死者欲借50萬還債 好友協助辦後事
【西環三屍】西園街坊設連儂牆 留言悼死者一家三口:願社區守望

[Yuanlang double corpse] unit spreads odor
[Hong Kong 01]
Hong Kong 01
1.2k person tracking
Hong Kong 01
February 27, 2019, 11:19 am

[Yuanlang double corpse] unit spreads odor

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[Yuanlang double corpse] unit spreads odor

There is a man and a woman in Yuen Long who are at home. At 10 am this (27th) morning, a security guard at Ho Shun Fuk Building in Yuen Long reported that there was a couple of upstairs flats who had not shown up for a long time and had a bad smell. The fire broke into the house and found a man and a woman lying in the house, and there was a burnt charcoal next to them. The two confirmed death on the spot. The police are investigating the incident.

Help website and hotline:

Hong Kong Samaritan Suicide Prevention Hotline: 23892222

Hospital Authority Mental Health Line: 24667350

Donghua Third Hospital Ruo Ruoyuan Hotline.. 18281

Samaritan Hotline: 28960000

Social Welfare Department hotline: 23432255

Lifeline: 23820000

Jockey Club Youth Emotional Health Online Support Platform - "Open噏" 24-hour online tutoring: 91012012 (SMS)

Xueyou Community Student Hotline: 25033399

Limin Association "Instant Messenger": 35122626

Click to browse more of Hong Kong 01 and Atlas

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democracy my butt


【珍惜生命】仁濟醫院士多房發現屍體 外判清潔工留遺書自殺


1.2k 人追蹤

2019年2月27日 上午11:58

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【珍惜生命】仁濟醫院士多房發現屍體 外判清潔工留遺書自殺
香港撒瑪利亞防止自殺會熱線 : 23892222
醫院管理局精神健康專線 : 24667350
生命熱線 : 23820000

【西環三屍】疑炒燶數百萬股票欠巨債 夫婦餵子服藥再全家燒炭亡
【西環三屍】西營盤西園單位傳惡臭 夫婦偕七歲子燒炭亡

[cherish life] Renji Hospital, many rooms found dead bodies, outsourced cleaners, suicides
[Hong Kong 01]
Hong Kong 01
1.2k person tracking
Hong Kong 01
February 27, 2019, 11:58 am

[cherish life] Renji Hospital, many rooms found dead bodies, outsourced cleaners, suicides

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[cherish life] Renji Hospital, many rooms found dead bodies, outsourced cleaners, suicides

An outsourced cleaner at Yan Chai Hospital committed suicide in a hospital with multiple rooms and was certified dead. At 10:40 am today (27th), a staff member of the hospital reported that a man was found lying in a coma in the location of a multi-room. The police arrived at the scene and sent the victim to the Accident and Emergency Department of the hospital to prove his death. The site is the 4th floor of Building C of Yan Chai Hospital. This floor is Ren Chai Hospital - Hong Kong Baptist University Chinese Medicine Teaching and Research Center (Renji). The outside of the room has been enclosed by a slab.

The male deceased was surnamed Shen at the age of 38. The on-site news indicated that he was an outsourced cleaner on the site. This morning his supervisor found him lying in a room of more than 200 square feet for the cleaning of taxis. The supervisor immediately asked the hospital staff for help, and then sent the deceased to the emergency room for treatment. After the rescue, he eventually returned to the sky. The police seized the suicide note at the site and suspected that someone had committed suicide in the house. However, no suicide tools were found at the scene. It was investigated whether someone was drinking cleansing supplies to death. The police seized the suicide note at the scene. The preliminary investigation believed that the incident was not suspicious and temporarily found the case of the body. The cause of death was determined after the autopsy.

According to the information, Building C of Yan Chai Hospital Building was completed in 2015 with a total of 12 floors. The hospital services in this building include general clinics, family medicine specialist clinics, specialist outpatient services, pharmacy services, nutritional treatment, speech therapy, Child and Youth Day Clinic, Health Resource Centre, Integrated Diabetes/Endocrinology and Nephrology Day Care Services and Elderly Day Hospital; and Yan Chai Hospital Board of Management TCM Outpatient Clinic, Dental Clinic and Yan Chai Hospital Board Office Also located in this building.

Help website and hotline

Hong Kong Samaritan Suicide Prevention Hotline : 23892222

Hospital Authority Mental Health Line : 24667350

Donghua Third Hospital Ruo Ruoyuan Hotline.. 18281

Samaritan Hotline: 28960000

Xueyou Community Student Hotline: 25033399

Social Welfare Department hotline: 23432255

Lifeline : 23820000

Click to browse more of Hong Kong 01 and Atlas

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